In electrical and electronic systems, reactance is the opposition of a circuit element to a change of electric current or voltage, due to that element's inductance or capacitance. A built-up electric field resists the change of voltage on the element, while a magnetic field resists the change of current. The notion of reactance is similar to electrical resistance, but they differ in several respects.
An ideal resistor has zero reactance, while ideal inductors and capacitors consist entirely of reactance, having zero and infinite resistance respectively.
Both reactance and resistance are components of impedance .
A capacitor consists of two conductors separated by an insulator, also known as a dielectric.
At low frequencies a capacitor is open circuit, as no current flows in the dielectric. A DC voltage applied across a capacitor causes positive charge to accumulate on one side and negative charge to accumulate on the other side; the electric field due to the accumulated charge is the source of the opposition to the current. When the potential associated with the charge exactly balances the applied voltage, the current goes to zero.
Driven by an AC supply, a capacitor will only accumulate a limited amount of charge before the potential difference changes polarity and the charge dissipates. The higher the frequency, the less charge will accumulate and the smaller the opposition to the current.
The origin of the different signs for capacitive and inductive reactance is the phase factor in the impedance.
An ideal resistor has zero reactance, while ideal inductors and capacitors consist entirely of reactance, having zero and infinite resistance respectively.
In phasor analysis, reactance is used to compute amplitude and phase changes of sinusoidal alternating current going through the circuit element. It is denoted by the symbol .Both reactance and resistance are components of impedance .
- where
- is the impedance, measured in ohms.
- is the resistance, measured in ohms.
- is the reactance, measured in ohms.
- where
- is the capacitive reactance, measured in ohms
- is the inductive reactance, measured in ohms
- If , the reactance is said to be inductive.
- If , then the impedance is purely resistive.
- If , the reactance is said to be capacitive
Capacitive reactance
Main article: Capacitance
Capacitive reactance is an opposition to the change of voltage across an element. Capacitive reactance is inversely proportional to the signal frequency (or angular frequency ω) and the capacitance .[1]A capacitor consists of two conductors separated by an insulator, also known as a dielectric.
At low frequencies a capacitor is open circuit, as no current flows in the dielectric. A DC voltage applied across a capacitor causes positive charge to accumulate on one side and negative charge to accumulate on the other side; the electric field due to the accumulated charge is the source of the opposition to the current. When the potential associated with the charge exactly balances the applied voltage, the current goes to zero.
Driven by an AC supply, a capacitor will only accumulate a limited amount of charge before the potential difference changes polarity and the charge dissipates. The higher the frequency, the less charge will accumulate and the smaller the opposition to the current.
Inductive reactance
Main article: Inductance
Inductive reactance is an opposition to the change of current on an inductive element. Inductive reactance is proportional to the sinusoidal signal frequency and the inductance .- making it appear as if the inductive reactance to a square wave was
Phase relationship
The phase of the voltage across a purely reactive device (a capacitor with an infinite resistance or an inductor with a resistance of zero) lags the current by radians for a capacitive reactance and leads the current by radians for an inductive reactance. Note that without knowledge of both the resistance and reactance the relationship between voltage and current cannot be determined.The origin of the different signs for capacitive and inductive reactance is the phase factor in the impedance.
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